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U.S. House hopefuls begin filing papers to run in Pennsylvania

U.S. House hopefuls begin filing papers to run in Pennsylvania

(Harrisburg) -- Candidates are submitting petition paperwork ahead of the deadline to get on Pennsylvania's congressional primary election ballots.
More than 20 candidates had filed by mid-day today, according to state elections bureau data.
The deadline to submit at least 1,000 voter signatures to get on the May 15 primary ballot is tomorrow.
Interest in running for Congress is high, especially after the state Supreme Court ordered the boundaries of Pennsylvania's 18 U.S. House districts redrawn in a gerrymandering case.
The new districts will be in play in this year's mid-term elections.
There are also six open seats, the highest number in four decades.
Submitting signatures are several state lawmakers, including Democrat Greg Vitali and Republican Rick Saccone. They are seeking to run for open congressional seats in opposite corners of Pennsylvania.

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