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The war of life with the virus won in 64 days, but the fingers lost, the agonizing shock

He won the war of life with the virus in 64 days, but he lost the fingers. The agonizing shock

ग्रेग गारफील्ड

ग्रेग गारफील्ड - फोटो : social media

News in Detail:

Corona can cause major damage not only to the internal organs of the body but also to the external organs. I am Greg Garfield (54) living in Studio City, California. Went to Italy for skiing in February. On the way, the condition worsened and Corona was confirmed when he returned and reached Joseph Hospital in Burbank. After this, the war of life on the ventilator was fought with the virus for 31 days. Stayed in hospital for 64 days. I am well now, but my hand fingers have been swallowed by the coronavirus. The fingers of the left hand are cut off from the middle and only five percent of the thumb. The fingers of the right hand have also been amputated, only some part of the thumb has survived.

How Greg's loss of fingers from the corona is a shock to Greg's heartbreak. Doctors who treat Greg say that the virus can also damage the lungs, kidneys, heart, and hands and feet. The same happened in Greg's case, which is surprising. The virus caused more damage to the cells and tissues of Greg's hand, causing it to turn black. Generally, blackness occurs in any part of the body when the cells around it die completely.

The blood could not reach the fingers According to Greg, I was on the ventilator. Blood is not reaching the fingers of hands. For this reason, the fingers are turning black. The doctors put on AMO support so that the blood could reach the fingers and the heart could rest with the lungs, but this did not happen. The virus had completely blocked the passage of blood to the fingers, which no one could fix.

Can happen to anyone

Greg says, don't take the virus for granted. He too had no symptoms in the beginning. He has fit some time ago, climbing mountain peaks, riding bikes, playing golf, racing cars but now everything has become a thing of the past. They say it can happen to anyone. So be careful and wear a mask. The treating doctor says that he survived it is nothing short of magic, it does not happen to everyone.

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